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So, you recently went live with a new CRM and CPQ implementation.  Everyone involved in the project worked long hours and shed a lot of sweat and tears to go live on time and on budget.  Seems like the project was a success! Or was it?  

There is just one problem—no one is using the system.  Adoption is low and does not show any signs of improving.  User adoption is one of the key metrics, if not the key metric, in measuring the success of an implementation.  What can be done to address this critical issue?  It’s time to double-down on adoption and bring strategic success into your CRM!


What causes low user adoption?

I have found there are three common reasons for low user adoption.  

  • Lack of system knowledge: If your users don’t know how to properly use a CRM solution, how can they be expected to utilize it to their advantage? Lack of knowledge is almost always due to ineffective change management and lack of resources to learn the software.
  • Little definition of value: Another cause is that users don’t understand how the tool can benefit them in the day-to-day. If you can’t define a clear vision of value to them, then you can’t really expect for them to define it, either. Just as you build a business case to sell the idea to the executives, you should also build the case for the users and stakeholders. Another tactic is to take a phased approach to implementation. Let your users get a taste of the features and respond to their opinions and act accordingly. The combination of your conviction for the platform and their ability to try it out as it’s built will drive value into the investment.
  • Confusing functionality: If you are noticing low or declining user adoption, it could use some enhancements to make it more user-friendly. In the same vein, it could be that you have crammed too many components into the platform and have made it a dizzying tasks to simply navigate the UI.

Sometimes, less is more—it would be in your best interest to assess technologies your users rely on and scrap the rest to simplify the interface.


The key to success is to Modernize.

Simplus provides a framework to determine the why behind the low user adoption. Our Modernization Engagement provides a framework to determine this information.  Through this program, we help you discover the following.

  • Validate the program: You first should seek validation of goals and expectations with leadership stakeholders. Get a concrete idea of objectives, business outcomes, KPIs and metrics, and lay out a mission statement.
  • Evaluate end user experience: Use this baseline knowledge to understand how you can enhance the end user experience of current capabilities. The result of this evaluation may also bring about the need for additional training and enablement.
  • Assess the technology: From there, you should perform a health check on the current system and identify where you might be able to make improvements.
  • Develop a delivery plan: Last, you can develop a delivery plan to reach the next level of modernization of your CRM program. This should focus on early wins, high-value achievements, and organizational change management.
  • How can we help? Simplus is the leader in Salesforce implementation, so we are the experts in successful CRM solution. We can show you how to develop an adoption and enablement plan and help you create a roadmap of enhancements that can be implemented to improve probability of CRM project success and solution longevity.


Are you feeling the stress of a software implementation? Watch this 45 minute webinar that explains how you can incorporate the human side of change into an implementation plan.


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