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Three SF Genie Components That Bring a Little Magic to CX

Nov 2, 2022 | Sales Cloud, Service Cloud

The most significant takeaway from Dreamforce 2022 was the launch of Salesforce Genie, a real-time data CRM platform that powers the Salesforce Customer 360 platform. It means companies using Salesforce can deliver seamless, personalized experiences based on changing customer needs as they happen. 

What does that mean for existing SF customers who invested in, say, Service Cloud or Marketing Cloud? With MuleSoft connective capabilities, customers can experience an elevated SF Cloud that delivers new opportunities to understand, connect and respond to customers in unprecedented personalized ways.  

Genie is designed to leverage existing SF Cloud products with three main capabilities:

Use multiple sources to combine a customer’s data, act on that data in real time, and leverage AI potential. 

Let’s discuss these points and explore how Genie will amplify Cloud performance and how this innovation will impact the customer experience.  

Combine data from multiple data sources

Collecting and storing data isn’t a new concept, but optimizing customer insight to create a personalized experience from this data is a relatively new practice. 

A recent MuleSoft study found that around 70 percent of today’s organizations lack a comprehensive, connected user experience. Their research found that most companies have around 976 separate applications to run their business. And only 28 percent of these applications are integrated on average. 

“Siloed applications and data continue to hinder customer experience and digital transformation. And it is now costing businesses millions of dollars per year,” said Brent Hayward, CEO, MuleSoft. “Companies need to be able to easily integrate a growing number of apps and data sources to automate their business, create seamless digital experiences, and drive growth.”

Instead of collecting and storing 976 versions of a single customer, Genie continually gathers customer data to combine with your company’s existing transactional data to create a single, comprehensive customer graph. 

Act on data in real time

Genie is experience-focused. It captures real-time metrics from your customer’s responses that help your company gain better insights on their needs. How does that look for end users? For example, some HLS companies developed interoperability between a payer and provider. 

This means when patients arrive for their appointments, that data gets pushed into the centralized data system, and anything actionable—such as ordering a prescription and notifying the patient when it is ready for pickup— is handled automatically. But think of the possibilities if more connected data points made it possible for a patient recently diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes, for example, received recommended menu plans from their online grocery application, or if they received warnings that the herbs they recently ordered online could interfere with prescribed medications? That is the power of adding Genie and real-time to Salesforce Cloud platforms. 

Leverage AI potential 

As technology enables organizations to rely on quality data to make more directed decisions, using Einstein to add value to stored data creates powerful possibilities for personalized CX and revenue growth. According to Salesforce, Einstein generates over 175 billion predictions every day. Backed with Genie, Einstein and Flow automated services utilizes real-time data to deliver strategic predictions.  

“With Genie, Einstein AI and Flow Flow automation, which saves customers over 100 billion hours every month, can now use real-time data to trigger actions automatically,” the Salesforce team said. 

Preparing IT for innovation

With a renewed focus on interoperability, it’s clear that IT and development teams not only need Salesforce expertise to acquire the full value of their SF instance. Instead, teams need to create a fusion of SAP, AWS, Infosys, Oracle, AI and knowledge in other enterprise systems to gain insight from multiple sources. The result is an automated single source of truth that ensures your customers receive personalized services that meet their changing needs–when they need it. 

At Simplus, we partner with teams with advanced skills in some of the industry’s leading enterprise systems. This ensures your business gets the most value from your Salesforce Cloud products and prepare your organization for a future of unprecedented customer connection and business growth.



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