Administration costs are killing healthcare. Did you know up to 25 percent of national healthcare expenditures are earmarked for administrative expenses? Long-term research found these expenses can balloon from $600 billion to $1 trillion (yes, with a “T”) of total...
Articles & Insights
Anticipate and act: The power of predictive analytics in healthcare
Imagine a patient’s treatment plan aligning with their lifestyle with portable, wearable devices to gather data and accommodate unique mobility challenges with flexible patient visits or testing. How about providing a patient experience that effectively treats...
Healthcare leaders: Do you treat your IT as an asset or an obligation?
Here’s a question: Do you see IT as a handy support system or a vehicle driving measurable innovation? It goes without saying that the healthcare industry is moving toward automation. Estimates show healthcare spends around $300 billion yearly on software and system...
The hidden costs of data management in healthcare
A guide to Summer ‘24 for healthcare professionals
As healthcare continues to evolve, staying current is imperative for providers to deliver optimal patient care and for payors to support patients efficiently. With the Salesforce Summer '24 release, healthcare organizations are poised to unlock a new realm of...
Halftime check-in: The trends for healthcare in 2024 so far
The ground is fertile for AI in healthcare, as more and more providers consider the possibilities of simplifying routine tasks and allowing human talent to do the most crucial part of their job description: provide care. But are the processes and data backing up...
3 top reasons why getting personal with the patient experience is good for business
You often have to get personal with your healthcare provider for the best care. But feeling rushed or being called Todd when your name is Dennis doesn’t do much to build trust. The point is that personalizing the patient experience with Data Cloud offers healthcare...
The practical side of Data Cloud in healthcare
Data. Is it the lifeblood of innovation and progress? Some may argue yes, and here’s proof. Hospitals produce an average of 50 petabytes of data each year. For those of you keeping score, one petabyte equals 1,000 terabytes. That’s a lot of information. In fact,...