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The Summer ‘21 updates that matter most to manufacturers

Jul 7, 2021 | Admin, Latest News, Manufacturing, Sales Cloud, Salesforce CPQ

Salesforce is always updating its functionality across every cloud to provide continuous innovation and make workflows simpler in every way possible. Based on user feedback from users like those at your very own company, these updates aren’t just small print you can choose to ignore. These changes can dramatically enhance how you center your business’ attention on the customer relationship. 

So let’s take a moment to look at the latest release, Summer ‘21, and what updates within it are most pertinent to the manufacturing industry: rebate management, sales agreements, account-based forecasting, and loyalty. 


Rebate management integration with CPQ

Anyone with tiered pricing situations, which is an overwhelming majority of manufacturers, will be thrilled with this update. Rebate management can now be integrated directly into CPQ. This means you can choose the right rebate incentive program while going to quote and take advantage of actionable suggestions throughout the rebate contract flow. With greater flexibility to attach rebate programs as you quote, manufacturing organizations will be able to increase sales and create a more streamlined, connected process for customers while not losing the margin control they depend on. Learn more about using rebate programs the right way as a manufacturer here. 

Other rebate management enhancements

There are many other enhancements to rebate management manufacturers have cause to celebrate: you can now create ship and debit programs, define transactional agreement terms during the program setup, convert measurement while performing program calculations, and improve payout accuracy using sales data. Overall, these changes will help manufacturer audit teams managing the financials of rebate programs more continuously (rather than just once a year). 

Account-based forecasting enhancements

Another key update in the Manufacturing Cloud is new usability enhancements for account-based forecasting. Now, users can filter through time periods better with more flexibility and a higher number of forecast periods available than the previous limit of 36—a major limitation for anyone doing a weekly forecast. This can be done with a contiguous or distinct range of periods. Just go to the Agreement Terms tab in Sales Agreements or the Forecast Tab in Accounts and select the filter icon to see your newly updated flexibility. 

Sales agreement enhancements

Previously, once a sales agreement was created, it was more or less set in stone and either had to be renewed or deleted to make changes. Now, sales agreements are editable so you can add more products, edit details like contact name, and more. Additionally, other usability features have been updated to make it easier to filter through time periods on sales agreements. All of these enhancements are focused on user experience and taking away data entry tasks for your users. To access the new sales agreement product add functionality, simply select the Agreement Terms tab on an active sales agreement page, then click the Add Products button. Next, you’ll have to make sure to submit your changes for approval. 

Loyalty management updates

Finally, there are several updates in this release for Loyalty Management, a crucial arm of the complete customer experience in manufacturing and the reason why your business partners want to continue doing business with you. Most of note are enhancements that allow you to view loyalty member profile information from any application in Salesforce (SSOT improvement), integration with Service Cloud that allows you to create a new case from within the loyalty member profile (improved UI), and new functionality to easily validate partner and partner products in transaction journals.

For additional help getting the most from these updates or an evaluation of your current Salesforce instance, reach out to Simplus. Our advisory and managed services teams are equipped to set your organization up for lasting success with Manufacturing Cloud, CPQ, loyalty management, and much more.




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