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3 reasons you need Salesforce Sales Cloud

Jan 22, 2018 | Admin, Financial Services, Implementation Services, Latest News, Sales Cloud

Imagine this familiar scenario: you’ve started a company, perhaps after years of ideation. You’ve put in everything you have, both emotionally and financially. Your product (or service) is awesome, and you should be extremely proud. Now comes the difficult part: persuading people to give you their hard-earned cash in return for what you’ve built. You start with a talented sales team, of course, but how do you ensure the team has the tools it needs to succeed? Your great idea can’t thrive if there aren’t customers coming in the door on a regular basis. Your sales team needs to be as efficient and consistent as possible in order to get leads and close deals. But that’s much easier said than done. Thankfully, turning potential interest in your product into dollars in your wallet is why Salesforce developed the Sales Cloud. Here are just three of the many reasons why your company needs Sales Cloud to truly thrive.


Improve efficiency

sales cloudTime spent doing anything other than selling is wasted time for a sales team. The sole focus of a CRM like Salesforce Sales Cloud is to streamline the sales process. Much of that happens through the mobile application. 65% of mobile CRM users reach their quotas, as opposed to 22% of non-mobile CRM users. That delta is enormously telling. The ability to log calls, respond to hot leads, work opportunities, or check dashboards on the go leads directly to won deals. And no salesperson looking for approval on a pricing change or an expense wants to dig through a bunch of red tape; approval workflow can be easily and visually managed to notify the right people for pricing sign-off or notifications for deals over a certain size. In addition, files can be easily synced and shared across team members to save time sorting through emails or internal wikis for the correct collateral or price sheet.


Nurture leads

What do you nurture? Babies, definitely. Or plants and gardens that require nurturing to flourish. Well, sales leads also require nurturing, and often feel as fragile as infants or tiny vegetable shoots. Nurturing a lead means helping that lead convert down the sales pipeline, from prospecting to closed (and won). Companies using a CRM have seen conversion rate improvements of over 300%. You need that type of conversion throughout the sales process. Sales Cloud surfaces all of the relevant information about the opportunity and empowers the salesperson to write and track emails directly from the CRM. Lead scoring, marketing campaign tracking, and data insights through artificial intelligence ensure that great leads don’t fall through the cracks.

Related: Why Salesforce is a great return on your investment


Close deals

Using a CRM system can increase sales by up to 29%. That’s due in part to the ability to ensure that everyone involved on the sales team is on the same page through account and opportunity management. Consultative selling relies on having the correct information on the potential client at all times so that the solutions offered drive real improvements. Sales Cloud highlights prospect activity in a timeline, enabling salespeople to focus on what’s most important and what’s changed through the sales process. The platform also connects and presents social posts from your prospects to gain insights into pain points in real time. You can also track the products being offered and the price quotes as they change, including generating and sending approved quotes from company templates.


Salesforce Sales Cloud enables sales teams to focus on their goals: reaching quotas and selling to close by getting rid of confusion, putting teams on the same page, and simplifying external and internal communication. That means your big idea — your great product or service — gets in front of the right customers at the right time and in the right way. By that point it becomes simple for the customer to decide to buy from you rather than from your competitor. And this process is now replicable across each of your salespeople, leading to long-term success.


Do you need help implementing Salesforce Sales Cloud? Contact Simplus to empower your sales team to be efficient, nurture leads, and close deals.


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