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3 big reasons you need to amp up your Sales Cloud game

Feb 15, 2018 | Admin, Implementation Services, Latest News, Sales Cloud

If you’re reading this, you’ve probably heard of Salesforce. And you may even think you’ve got it all figured out. But Salesforce is constantly evolving, with updates and changes being added all the time. If you aren’t staying current, or if you haven’t adopted it, it’s time to step up your game and take Sales Cloud to the next level.

Simplus has been implementing Salesforce solutions for a number of industries for years. As of February 2018, we have 2,500+ satisfied customers, 132 five-star AppExchange reviews, and more successful CPQ implementations than any other partner. This year, we’re getting back to the basics and putting a renewed focus on Sales Cloud. Here are three reasons you should too.


Not just more leads, but better leads

It’s true: Salesforce can generate more leads for your business—but it sometimes gets forgotten that you need high-quality leads and opportunities to really succeed. We’ve seen that by using basic Sales Cloud features (Leads, Accounts, Contacts, and Opportunities), companies can experience up to a 25% increase in sales revenue. In Sales Cloud, these features can be configured and uniquely tailored for each step in your sales cycle to produce the outcomes you need.

What’s more, Sales Cloud can all be powered by AI technology. Salesforce Einstein plus Sales Cloud is the perfect coupling, as it combines the intuitive platform of Sales Cloud with brilliant insights from Einstein, such as lead scoring, opportunity insights, and account insights.

Related: How Salesforce helps businesses run better


Less time data mining = more deals won

salescloud2Your Sales Reps need to focus on the right information at any given time. With Sales Cloud, say goodbye to scattered, siloed data banks and missing intel and hello to streamlined, efficient sales information. Sales forecasts, team performance, workflows, file syncing and sharing… it can all be managed on the Sales Cloud platform, across any device. The productivity born out of easily accessible information and constant sales awareness equates to those smarter leads closing faster than ever, making more money for your company through saved time and more closed deals.

Simplus worked with SilencerCo to do just that: save time and increase revenue with a Sales Cloud solution. SilencerCo suffered from limited visibility, lost sales efficiency due to outdated systems, and the inability to manage support tickets. They approached Simplus with a vision to make sure their growing company didn’t get lost in these challenges and instead could remain at the top of their industry using Sales Cloud.

Within Sales Cloud, Simplus added powerful customizations to meet SilencerCo’s unique needs. With customer data centralized in Sales Cloud Accounts, integrated external data sources, custom development, and training, SilencerCo is now equipped for maximum revenue growth and efficient sales processes. Since working with Simplus, SilencerCo has seen increased revenue and customer loyalty, effective case resolution, and easy access to critical data in Shopify—not to mention the high levels of user adoption for the Sales Cloud solution.

“I know for a fact this is going to be a game changer for our company,” said Colin Anthony, VP of Business Development at SilencerCo. “This isn’t a ‘nice to have.’ This is a critical leap forward for our business.”


Integration with the tools you use

salescloud1Connected data and processes across all the different tools you use are vital to any Sales Cloud solution. While Sales Cloud provides robust lead and opportunity management, some supplemental functions, such as Contract Lifecycle Management, electronic signature capture, or even automated and intelligent scheduling can still happen externally. Luckily, there are a few ways to connect everything together. The Salesforce AppExchange has a vast, impressive expanse of add-on tools and pre-built integrations to enhance your Sales Cloud instance. Using the AppExchange wisely can make all the difference in keeping your business’ instance in check with changing sales trends across your entire company.

Aside from the thousands of connections available on the AppExchange, Salesforce recently also partnered with Google. This will give marketers the ability to connect offline sales data with online digital analytics data to create a comprehensive view of the conversion funnel. According to Google, this will help users better understand the relationship between traffic sources for online leads and the quality of those leads.

And if you need to integrate with even more systems, whether it’s a homegrown database or your own product, Salesforce Sales Cloud can tap into those tools via open APIs included with Enterprise Edition and above.


Your Sales Cloud solution is a living force, one that needs to be nourished and improved continuously to fit with the changing market and your growing company. These three principles will amp up your Sales Cloud game through more frequent quality leads, less time spent on mundane tasks, and seamless integration with other tools. By following these tenets, you can start seeing the benefits of a well-oiled Sales Cloud machine.


So you’ve got the three big reasons you need to amp up the Sales Cloud game. But do you have the team players? Reach out to Simplus today for expert implementation services, Salesforce training, and custom configuration.


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