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Top 10 End-User and Admin picks of the Summer 14 Salesforce Release

Jul 8, 2014 | Admin, Latest News, Sales Cloud

It’s that time again, summer is in full swing and a new Salesforce release is on its way! While there are plenty of resources to get you up-to-speed on the changes, like the release website, quick reference guide, and full release notes, it’s easy to get too busy vacationing and barbecuing to get through it all! So, I’ve outlined my top picks from an Admin and End-User view to get you a quick look at what to expect on your Salesforce Summer ’14 release date.

10. Attachment Size Limit Increased to 25 MB

Prior to this release, attachments were limited to 5 MB. True, you could get around that using Chatter Files (2 GB) but some people (and apps) like to work with the Attachments records specifically, so bring on the big ones. This change is further maximized by the increase to File Storage limits came in Spring ’14 (increasing the limit from 612 MB/user to 2GB/user for Enterprise editions and above).

9. See all List Views in Salesforce1

It was annoying to have to first access a list view on your laptop for it to appear in the mobile app so this one is pretty expected. You will be able to see 200 list views on your mobile device, without needing to have recently accessed them elsewhere.

8. Flow Loops

Loops can now be performed in a Flow! This will allow you to utilize Flows for more repetitive and systematic changes. The use-case shown in the release notes for this outlines the example of reassigning Accounts from one owner to 2 other owners depending on the number of employees. The Loop allows the Flow to keep running through all of the Accounts. Also, now that we will be able to call on a Flow from a Workflow, mass updates (even ones with logic incorporated) can be automated.

7. Limit Chatter Access by Profile

Believe it or not, there are some organizations which haven’t enabled Chatter. Perhaps the possibility of being able to turn Chatter on only for certain user profiles will make it easier to take the plunge. And everyone already on the bandwagon will now have control over which users can access Chatter.

6. Perform Opportunity Splits on Custom Currency Fields

This would be my personal number 1, but I know Splits are still new to a lot of organizations so we’ll give it a mid-rank here (just know this is awesome). This change may get more people excited about the function of dividing up Opportunity revenue across multiple Users. Now you can apply the Split to custom currency fields and even roll-up summary fields. If you haven’t seen Splits in action yet, check out this 2 minute video:

5. Create Events from Salesforce1

Here is another one that a lot of users thought should be standard functionality when they first tried out Salesforce1, so it’s great that it’s more intuitive this way. Events you create in Salesforce1 will sync to Salesforce as Events.

4. Territory Management 2.0 (Beta in Enterprise and above)

Anyone who has implemented Territory Management in Salesforce will tell you it has its ups and downs. The good thing we see here is that it’s finally getting the attention it needs. Territory Management 2.0 creates 9 new objects dedicated to managing territories more effectively, through Territory Types, Models, and Model States. You can also preview territory strategies before you activate the one that works best. Similar to standard Territory Management, you must request this feature be activated (via Case) and it requires a bit of setup. View the full implementation guide on Salesforce’s Help Site (or comment below to let us know if you’d like a whole blog post or webinar on this, there’s plenty to cover!

3. Track Changes on Lookup Fields

Field History Tracking is a great feature which allows you to see the prior value of a changed field along with the User and Time stamp. Now you can extend this feature to Lookup fields as well, let the auditing rip.

2. Mass Delete Reports

If you have ever received the task to ‘clean up old reports’ then you know how much of a time saver this will be. Now you can perform a mass delete action on Reports in the Setup Menu based on Report criteria. (Don’t worry, users still won’t be able to delete Scheduled Reports or Reports included in Dashboards).

1. Historical Trending on Forecasts

Similar to the Historical Trend reporting capabilities we now have on Opportunities, the Forecast report will allow you to see how accurately your Users are forecasting and visually represent the data changes across up to 5 points in time. So much easier than submitting a Forecast Batch (or any of the other workarounds you may have implemented to get this before)!



Like this post? Wait until you see our webinar. We will be hosting one on July 17th, 2014!

1 Comment

  1. Adam Clark

    Just as a side note, know that on the attachment size limitation increase, it only works when you have Chatter enabled – also, those limitations do not extend to visualforce use on sites.

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