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3 tips to use Manufacturing Cloud better for loyalty management

Apr 26, 2022 | Admin, Latest News, Manufacturing

Long-term contracts and recurring revenue are the not-so-secret ingredients to healthy manufacturing revenue numbers. But to get those ingredients you need something else first. Something a little more foundational: brand loyalty. Brand loyalty is the force behind 15 percent of your customers accounting for anywhere from 55 to 70 percent of your total sales. And loyalty management is pivotal to keeping the customers you have and growing their relationship with your business in a mutually beneficial way. Traditionally, loyalty management has been siphoned off to just the customer service reps, but it’s apparent in today’s market that it’s much larger and all-encompassing to your entire manufacturing organization. Loyalty management involves any department that impacts the customer experience—for many, that’s nearly everyone. That’s why it’s critical to make sure your loyalty management process is up-to-date and agile for changing customer demands. 

To optimize your loyalty approach and processes, we recommend Manufacturing Cloud as an industry-tailored CRM foundation. With Manufacturing Cloud, you can deliver more personalized experiences, offer 24/7 support options, and capture your customer’s voice to drive long-lasting loyalty. 


Deliver more personalized service experiences

With the latest Spring ‘22 release update, Salesforce took Manufacturing Cloud to the next level by adding in a customer-service focused branch of the larger Manufacturing Cloud platform. This means Manufacturing Cloud – Service now gives your organization the exact tools needed to connect reps, products, and customers in an automated, end-to-end workflow that takes personalized customizations into account. This is critical, especially in the current market with ongoing supply chain disruptions and anxieties for customers. “As the manufacturing industry contends with supply chain delays, there are increased expectations from customers for personalized service and asset uptime,” says Achyut Jajoo, SVP and GM of Manufacturing and Automotive at Salesforce. “With Manufacturing Cloud for Service, manufacturers can pull in customer, order, product, and asset performance data and insights to deliver differentiated customer experiences, boost brand loyalty, and enhance customer relationships.”


Provide options for 24/7 support

Another easy way to use the Manufacturing Cloud – Service offering to boost your loyalty metrics is to always have an avenue for customers to reach out with—24/7. What was once a retail-bound expectation is now crossing into all industries as buyers of every sort demand ongoing support and service outlets to meet their needs. Manufacturing Cloud – Service offers omnichannel options for your service team to leverage, including automated chatbots, call center integrations, and more. You can learn more about these features with Salesforce’s on-demand webinar introduction. 


Intelligently capture the voice of the customer

Finally, Manufacturing Cloud provides the ideal platform for capturing your customers’ wishes in an elevated way. With native Salesforce surveys and service parts forecasting, you’ll always be on the pulse of what’s coming down the pipeline for customer wishes. Direct feedback through the VoC features refines your customer experience and product strategies and proves you’re listening. Meanwhile, the service parts forecasting tool improves your own predictions and makes your team more proactive—enabling you to address customer needs before they reach out to you. 


Manufacturing Cloud is a dynamic, multi-functional platform that can drive innovation and agility for all departments in your organization. But even more than that, it’s an engine for driving customer and partner loyalty through its personalized customer experience functionality, support for service reps, and intelligent analytics. Contact Simplus today if you’d like to learn more or get started. 




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