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Stuck in the past: Outdated technology challenges in high tech contact centers

Feb 26, 2024 | Admin, High-Tech, Latest News, Service Cloud

Previously, we’ve identified common customer service pain points impacting healthcare and banking companies that haven’t yet implemented digital transformation. But what about contact centers trying to deliver innovative customer service using outdated technology? 

In the dynamic and fast-paced landscape of Communication, Media, and Technology (CMT) industries, contact centers serve as the frontline for businesses to engage with their customers. However, the efficiency and effectiveness of these centers can be significantly hindered by outdated technology. 

Around 86 percent of companies believe that outdated technology and inflexible systems hinder their ability to respond effectively to customer needs.

This statistic highlights the significant impact outdated technology can have on contact center efficiency and the ability of CMT companies to meet evolving customer expectations. As these centers are the frontline for customer engagement, businesses must address technological limitations to ensure optimal performance and maintain competitiveness in the market.

Customer expectations are constantly evolving. Relying on obsolete systems can pose substantial challenges for companies striving to deliver exceptional service. 

Let’s explore the most common pain points of outdated technology that interfere with contact center efficiency by impacting customer satisfaction, operational productivity, and overall business success.


Poor Call Quality

The outdated software itself may deliver poor call quality, including dropped calls or bad connections. But poor quality can also mean long wait times that frustrate customers. A recent survey found nearly 60 percent of customers felt that waiting for a minute was too long. Furthermore, 32.3 percent expect customer service to answer immediately. 


Inconsistent Call Routing 

Outdated systems lack AI-backed algorithms that seamlessly transfer calls based on caller location, language preference, or previous transactions. When this technology is missing, customers get lost in a maze of call transfers with no resolution in sight. 


Data Management Challenges

Without a CRM system in place, you may not be aware of the extent to which your team is consumed by repetitive and tedious tasks, such as manually hunting for customer information. Fortunately, CRM operates on a process-oriented basis, effectively reducing much of the inefficiency that negatively impacts your company’s productivity and profitability.

Reducing the time your staff dedicates to administrative duties provides them with more opportunities to engage with potential clients directly. By implementing CRM, you can offload these administrative tasks onto the software, freeing up your team’s time.


Security Risks 

Older technology may lack robust security features, making call center data more vulnerable to breaches or hacking attempts. This can compromise customer privacy and damage the reputation of the call center.


Limited Scalability and High Maintenance Costs 

Outdated systems may have limitations in terms of scalability, making it difficult for call centers to adapt to fluctuations in call volume or to expand operations as needed. An important survey found that 55 percent of companies still use manual processes to make planning decisions. Although your company may rely on them, such systems do not allow growth and fail to take advantage of new technologies and innovations.

Maintaining and repairing outdated technology can also be costly and time-consuming. This can divert resources away from improving customer service or investing in more efficient systems.

Outdated technology can hinder contact center services by reducing call quality, limiting features, impeding efficient call routing, complicating data management, increasing security risks, constraining scalability, and incurring high maintenance costs. 

If you see the challenges an outdated system presents to your CX, let’s talk about upgrading to modern systems that can help address these challenges and improve overall performance and customer satisfaction. 



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