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The Definitive QTC Guide Sneak Peek: QA

Dec 21, 2020 | Admin, Latest News, Salesforce CPQ

From the earliest stages of beginning a quote-to-cash project, QA must be discussed and strategized on. While it may be tempting to assume your end product will be a success, even if done by the perfect team with the biggest budget and top resources, you can never be certain. Quality assurance is a crucial part of your quote-to-cash journey, a time to make sure the original objectives and persona goals are achieved by the final tangible solution you’ve landed on. 

In this sneak peek of the QA chapter from Gilles’ breakthrough QTC book, we’ll take a quick look at some of Gilles’ top insights for navigating quality assurance and testing of your quote-to-cash implementation, including early planning and user story development. But that’s not the end of QA—learn what else you need to do to guarantee the highest quality implementation in the complete book


1. Why you should take your time on QA

“Quality assurance, as you may already be aware, is the ongoing practice of testing your products and established processes in order to detect and resolve problems and ultimately reduce risk. By conducting quality assurance (QA), you ensure your customers a safe, easy, intuitive, and overall positive experience.’” —Gilles Muys 


2. Planning from the start

“The core of successful QA is to plan early. If you start thinking about QA during UAT (user acceptance testing) or SIT (system integration testing), it’s already too late. Instead, quality must be considered from the earliest stages: design and build.” —Gilles Muys 


3. User stories as the support system for successful QA

“A user story is a tool used to embody a product or service feature from an end-user perspective; its objective is to express a business requirement (i.e., piece of functionality the end user wants to have). Composed properly, a user story describes three things: 1. Who the user is, 2. What the user wants, 3. Why the user wants it.” —Gilles Muys 



Empower your quote-to-cash project with reliable quality assurance and user testing that will drive the perfect design with more tips and insights in the complete book, The Definitive QTC Guide, out now on Amazon. 



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