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KSL: Acquisition of Simplus will bring hundreds of jobs to SLC

Feb 13, 2020 | Admin, Infosys Partner Page, Latest News

Another news outlet has covered the exciting news that Simplus will be joining Infosys. KSL interviewed Simplus CEO Ryan Westwood for additional insights on how the $250M acquisition of Simplus will bolster the job market in Utah.

“The 300 jobs coming to Simplus will be for those certified on the Salesforce software platform, and compensation for those with three to four years experience will be over $100,000, Simplus CEO Ryan Westwood said.” —KSL

Though Simplus has been courted for acquisition by several companies over the years, Simplus agreed to this one with Infosys due to the reverse integration element and Simplus remaining a separate subsidiary of Infosys.

“We’ll have the opportunity to … bring on more employees within Infosys. So that creates an opportunity for us to grow Simplus that much faster. And we’ve had this vision of creating a billion-dollar business for a long time. And this will enable us to do that quicker,” Westwood said, adding that the company hopes to reach its billion-dollar goal within five years, though Simplus was only founded six years ago.” —KSL


To read the full article, click here. And learn more about the news with these links:


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