by Michael Martin | Jan 30, 2024 | Admin, Implementation Services, Latest News
Ever find yourself wondering if your CLM (Contract Lifecycle Management) is the organizational GOAT you hoped for, swooping in to bring order and sanity to your once chaotic contract processes? Maybe it’s living up to expectations, making contract creation a...
by Michael Martin | Nov 28, 2023 | Admin, Latest News
The benefits of a great CLM system are many: streamlined processes, increased standardization, better transparency, and an ability to unlock the data in your contracts for data-driven business decisions. But, according to Gartner, approximately 50 percent of...
by Simplus team | Dec 1, 2021 | Admin, CPQ Insights, Latest News, Salesforce CPQ
According to Lionel Grealou, “A single source of the truth is the practice of structuring information models and associated schemata, such that every data element is stored exactly once. From a business perspective, at an organizational level, it means that data is...
by Simplus team | Jul 22, 2021 | Admin, Latest News, Sales Cloud
Businesses commonly struggle with contract management. Whether they are using out-of-date pricing information or not staying on top of approval processes, businesses tend to be inefficient, inconsistent, and uncoordinated when it comes to managing contracts. If...
by Simplus team | Jul 15, 2021 | Admin, Latest News, Sales Cloud
The modern sales cycle is perpetually slowed down by factors outside of sellers’ control. By the time you’re ironing out the final contract language with customers, you want to believe you’re in the homestretch. Unfortunately, contract management is a common stumbling...