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Improving productivity through cloud integration using free tools

Nov 11, 2014 | Admin, Data Integration, Latest News

One of the best ways to get the most out of Salesforce is by  improving productivity through cloud integration. Here are a few tools that help with Salesforce integration with other services and applications.


This tool helps you connect Salesforce to QuickBooks. Integrating these two together makes it much easier to deal with customer invoices and other objects if you need to get them back and forth between  Salesforce and QuickBooks.

The tool has support for multiple price books, an ability to let you do bulk loading, and even auto email notification if an error crops up. Invoices and payments can automatically be integrated into your journal.

Put It Forward

Put It Forward is a free tool that can take information from Salesforce and plug it right into other applications and online services. You can use it to port information to different departments, or even within your in-house system or to the cloud.

The tool makes it so that you don’t have to install any programs or add any additional hardware. It just works through the web to allow you to load information or extract it from Salesforce.

Overall, for full cloud integration through Salesforce however, you should really get the help from a third party service. After all, while one tool can certainly help with integration, it’s likely that it won’t fix every compatibility problem that might arise, whereas a service with a dedicated specialist would be a great help in troubleshooting any potential difficulties that don’t have easy solutions for them.

If you need help regarding where to find relevant services, please contact us.


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