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Amy Cook with Salesforce: Marketing Metamorphosis

Dec 20, 2021 | Admin, Latest News, Marketing Cloud

Amy Cook, Simplus CMO, was one of the latest guests featured on Mission’s Marketing Trends podcast, presented by Salesforce. Amy took the time to chat about all things new in marketing: understanding the latest trends, using lead gen strategies well for high-growth companies, and collaborating on marketing initiatives across all departments. You can check out the highlights below or listen to the full podcast here!


Scaling well with marketing

“Simplus was doing a few million and had just barely done a series A. [We had] a growth rate of over 300% year over year. I attribute so much of that to our CEO who really empowered each team member on the executive team to do the very best that they could. And then he kept altogether with his vision and focus on culture. It was really an amazing opportunity; since then [in] the past 18 months we’ve been acquired by Infosys. That has been another humongous learning curve to learn how to be part of a massive organization of 250,000 people.” —Amy Cook


Knowing when to enlist outside help

“[Agencies] work really well if you’re having trouble retaining people, then an agency can give you that unlimited support. You can fire your agency at any time if they’re not performing well for you with no consequences. At the agency, we go by the hour. And so there’s a hundred percent utilization out of your team. So if the price is low enough and the utilization is a hundred percent, there’s a really good case to fill in some of those gaps.” —Amy Cook


Keeping marketing an integral part of the organization

“I approach marketing [believing] everybody’s got good ideas; the delivery team’s got amazing ideas; our legal department gives us great marketing ideas; we can all flow together and collect our marketing knowledge.” —Amy Cook


Listen to the complete conversation with Amy Cook here!




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