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How Salesforce CPQ and Conga shape up business processes

Jun 21, 2021 | Admin, High Tech Page 1, High-Tech, Implementation Services, Latest News, M&C Page 1, Salesforce CPQ

The pricing structure is at the crux of business. And for long-term growth, companies need flexibility with their pricing models. That’s why EasyPower, a software provider for electrical engineering, reached out to Simplus for help shaping up its manual processes and inconsistent cash flow. Simplus presented Salesforce CPQ as a solution.

Integrating with Conga, Simplus implemented Salesforce CPQ for EasyPower. This automated the billing process at EasyPower and gave it more consistent revenue forecasts. Additionally, we translated EasyPower sales opps into licenses within Salesforce and altered the code to be more variable-driven. All in all, EasyPower’s business processes are now more flexible and prepared for the long-run.




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