Streamlining Revenue Operations for Manufacturers

The ease of doing business is a top priority for manufacturing business buyers, and if it’s hard to conduct business with you they’ll have no hesitations in finding someone new. On top of that, if your competitors are updating their technology platforms to more fully conform to the customer experience-based model you’re not, they’re bound to end up with more of the market share.
Don’t let manufacturing’s reputation as a laggard industry hold your own company back. With this ebook, we’ll review how manufacturers can use the Salesforce platform and get the most ROI back through Revenue Cloud and Rebate Management.

In this ebook, you’ll learn…
- How to use Revenue Cloud to your greatest advantage as a manufacturer
- The potential benefits of including a rebate management strategy in your offering
- How to seamlessly integrate rebates with the rest of your existing pricing strategy

Let’s discuss your manufacturing pricing strategy more.
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