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How Managed Services can help you scale

How Managed Services can help you scale

Simplus recommends using Managed Services for Salesforce, but why? Why not just hire and build from the ground up? There are a couple of lessons from other industries that can be applied to the case in favor of starting with Managed Services: expertise and lower costs.

Love me, love me not: Do your customers actually like you?

Love me, love me not: Do your customers actually like you?

Lucky for you, Salesforce Core offers the Marketing Cloud, a comprehensive solution to creating authentic journeys for every customer. And Simplus offers services to help you effectively implement and master Marketing Cloud. So, to get you started, here’s four tried-and-true ways to woo your customers:

Nice thinking, Einstein!

Nice thinking, Einstein!

Here are four of the many ways myEinstein will start up exciting, impactful, and wildly successful sales campaigns and customer connections for your business.

4 business benefits of an online community

4 business benefits of an online community

A community provides four fundamental benefits to its members: a sense of belonging, mutual support, greater influence, and exploration. These benefits are available for users in your business’s online community. Salesforce developed Community Cloud to make those four benefits available to your customers.